Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Why are vegetables yucky?

I used to LOVE vegetables of any kinds. Now they are the scourge of the earth. Especially if they are orange...or green...

Yesterday was a mini disaster. I did well in the morning for breakfast, BUT we ate lunch at a diner. I ordered tuna on wheat toast, thinking at least I would get the benefits of the tuna. My sandwich arrived and instead of being on toast, it was sort of like a tuna-grilled cheese without the cheese. They had buttered the bread and put it in a pan instad of toasting it. Oh well.

Dinner was french onion pot roast from let's dish. That meal is excellent. I probably ate a little too much meat, but I tend to go light on protein so since it was something I liked I didn't worry about it too much. And the roast was incredibly lean. There wasn't even any fat to skim off the gravy in the crock pot. We also had green beans. Blech. I managed to eat about a cup of them. For dessert we ate a mini chocolate cake. Tuesday night is the night Joe & I watch tv together so we have our weekly treats that night. He ate his with ice cream, but I just had cake.

I did exercise yesterday as well. 20 minutes on the treadmill and 20 on the stair climber. 20 minutes on each was all I could muster before being really bored.

Today has been ok. I am "eating" my yogurt and granola right now for lunch. I also have some carrots and a banana, and some almonds to snack on later.

I am not sure if exercise will happen tonight...I have painting to do before Sunday and I have waited until the last minute (is there any other time?!??) I think I will be priming tonight. Maybe i will do that with exaggerated enthusiasm...

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