Tuesday, October 11, 2005


OK - So, I mentioned the prunes... That is something I could have used this past week. Sigh. Anyway, I really wouldn't have been surprised if my weight had gone UP. Saturday morning was my low point - at 207.2. I was up again the next day to 208.2 and then yesterday was higher again. TODAY - official weigh-in day I was at 208.4. The exact same weight as last week. So, it seems we are all on that same path. Sigh.

Five weeks!! I can't believe it either. It really has been much easier this time around. Katie and I have done the healthy eating thing off and on frequently in the past couple of years. Now that we also do Let's Dish it is SO much easier to stick to the healthy menu all day.

Today I had an off site seminar that fed me both breakfast and lunch. I didn't eat any breakfast - I ate before I went. Lunch was an assortment of meats and cheeses with cole slaw and carrot cake for dessert. There was very little lettuce on the plate (but I ate it). There was a tiny bit of potato salad - I ate about two bites. I left MOST of the food behind. I made a roast beef sandwich with swiss cheese and lettuce. I did eat about four bites of the carrot cake. It's my favorite - and it had big walnut chunks and cream cheese icing... YUM! I drank water, and then walked around outside for a bit.

Tonight - as Katie said - I got home late and then we had to go out. BUT I only had one drink! So that is good.

I am going to get a big thing of prunes on Thursday (payday) and work on getting back on track.

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