Friday, October 07, 2005

Also messed up from the get-go

I don't know what was up this morning. Maybe the cold front moving in is messing with our brains, but in spite of excellent pre-planning, this morning was nutty--it felt like we were moving quickly through the morning schedule, but little things kept getting in our way. I thought I had done everything last night to get ready for the morning--picked out clothes, packed lunches and backpacks, took out the recycling, set up the coffee pot on the timer, went through all the school papers to make sure forms and notes were all up to date, etc. But then this morning--couldn't find the checkbook to pay daycare (turns out Brian left it at Sam's Club last night!), realized that we put the wrong recycling out, were late getting Connor up, remembered at the last minute that Claire would need a note to go home with Jo, scrambled to find all of our rain gear (after not needing it for months!), and then I was very late getting out the door. Somehow in all of this, I left my lunch at home. So now I have no snacks and healthy food for the day and will have to rely on the cafeteria to get me through the day. I have no idea what sort of food they offer, but the flier I've seen was touting their hot dog bar this week. Yuck. I hope they have my usual yogurt and fruit!

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