Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Woo hoo!!!!! I was really careful with my eating yesterday, but my dinner sounded a bit excessive to me. I roasted a turkey breast and had some of it with mashed potatoes and gravy, peas, and gravy. No dessert, no alcohol, and no bedtime snack, even though I was really hungry at bedtime!

No time to write--we have to go grocery shopping on this nasty, rainy day. We already went out this morning. I have to see my doctor every three months for a blood pressure review, and it was good. He also noted I have lost seven pounds, according to his charts. We then stopped in to see Kirsten for about an hour, and then came home for lunch--I had a low fat peach yogurt and a glass of milk and a cookie. I'll have half an apple later and some almonds, and more turkey for dinner. With what, I don't know yet!

You are all doing great! I hope we hear from Katie and Barbara today, too.

I like Julie's suggestion of a glass of water morning and night.

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