Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Yesterday was easy

I was having (to put it delicately) bowel troubles all morning, so didn't feel much like eating anything. We were out of milk, so I had a boiled egg and whole grain toast (no butter--not because I'm virtuous but because our butter was turning pink and blue, and I'm sure it's not supposed to be that color) for breakfast and the same sandwich for lunch that I had for dinner the day before (not the SAME sandwich, but the same ingredients!) and grapes. I only got hungry again around 7 p.m. when Amy and Katie rescued me with some wheat thins (that I had to share with Connor). Dinner was just fruit salad and string cheese. Weird, I know, but it was what I was in the mood for and I got home so late that I didn't feel like cooking, especially with just Connor and myself in the house.

I did the pilates lower body workout last night--it uses a resistance band and it felt great. I mean, it hurt like hell while I was doing it, but you could really feel it working in muscles you didn't know you have.

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