Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Bad day

I had another brownie and more milk at bedtime last night. Despite the fact that I had weeded for an hour yesterday and taken one walk, slightly longer than we were doing at first, this morning my weight was up to 152. Darn! My own fault!. I switched to Honey Nut Shredded Wheat this morning, with milk and orange juice to round out the menu. Dad had avideostroboscopy at GMBC (fascinating to watch his vocal chords move as he vocalized), and then we went to Trader Joe's, where I ate a bite of pumpkin bread (delicious) and a give-away Chocolate Cip Dunker. At least they weren't giving out samples at the pet store, where we bought 20 pounds of cat food!

For lunch I had yogurt, milk and, yes, two little brownies, and later, a banana and five almonds. (I need to toast more almonds.)

I'm discouraged. I'm falling off the wagon too much.

What has happened with Katie? She hasn't posted in a long time!

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