Friday, September 16, 2005

Early Friday

I lost a pound! This morning I was down to 150.5, after all my physical work yesterday. I again ate too much granola for breakfast. I am always so hungry after weeding for an hour. I think I'd better look for a less caloric cereal. This weeding is for the birds! I am trying to avoid pulling up our rangy black-eyed Susans, and the weeds are entangled with them. There was also a mosquito who wouldn't leave me alone and my gloves were so muddy I didn't have a chance of swatting him. I also terrorized a fuzzy caterpillar who kept rolling into a ball.

Last night we took a second one-mile walk before supper, and then we had lasagna, carrots and peas, and salad, and later canteloupe for snack.

I think we will be talking a walk shortly, and then off to Lowe's for more mums.

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