Thursday, September 29, 2005

Wednesday's report

Let's see... The Usual Breakfast. I had a banana for a morning snack. At lunchtime I discovered I'd forgotten to thaw the bread, so I had vanilla yogurt (less than a cup, not sure how much) and an ounce of ham lunchmeat, planning to thaw the bread and have toast as a snack. Well, naturally, I forgot, and then we left for piano and other activities at 2:45 without me having had any snacks -- and no chance of getting home until after 6! So by 6 I was starved. I ate an apple when we got home, and then I fixed dinner -- grilled salmon, half a baked potato (I could have used a whole one, since I was so short on starches, but we ran out of potatoes!) and a good-sized portion of green beans. Then we made homemade vanilla ice cream for dessert, but I kept the portion size reasonable. And that was IT for the day. That was WAY too few calories -- my poor body was in starvation mode all day! Today I weighed 166 when I got up. I'll probably gain three by tomorrow, between yesterday's starvation and today's relative gluttony. (But it's nice to see that low number -- no wonder people do crash diets!)

Neither Daniel nor I wanted to go exercise tomorrow but I had a dead hour between piano and Mary's swim lesson, so I made myself go, and that made Daniel feel guilty enough that he went, too. We cycled for 40 minutes on the reclining bikes and despite my apathy for it I managed to push the level up a tiny bit, for the end, so my average level was the highest I've done yet.

Today I'm being a lazy bum, although I am probably going with the Brownies for their field trip, and that will get me walking around a bit. Yesterday morning we went with Alexander's preschool class to the horticultural gardens, so that got me walking around, too. Any exercise is good!

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