Sunday, September 25, 2005


This happened last weekend, too. After my walk on Saturday, my feet were fine. After my Sunday walk, I was riddled with blisters all over my toes. This week I took preventative action and put bandaids on the toes that got blisters last week (they had already healed), but I ended up with blisters in three new spots. After looking it up online, I'm afraid my only option might be to get new shoes and better socks. I've had these shoes for a few years and never had a problem before, so I think I'll start with better socks.

After skipping breakfast yesterday, I still ended up eating over 1300 calories (all from healthy sources). Today I skipped breakfast again (I don't mean to, it just seems to happen that way on weekends), had a turkey sandwich for lunch, cottage cheese and pears for snack, and am planning grilled chicken and spinach salad for dinner.

My challenge this week will be to avoid stress eating--I'm starting a new job, Brian won't be home in the evenings, and I'll have PMS. This could be bad. Oh, and I have to bake cookies for a school bake sale, just to make the temptation that much worse!

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