Tuesday, September 13, 2005

My weight...

... is down a pound from last week, so it's 172.5. Not so great, especially considering during the week I did see 172.0. Phooey. But I've joined the gym now, it's a normal (ha) week, I'm motivated, and I should be able to do better in week two.

So far today I've just had my usual breakfast of cereal, milk, and OJ. I think I had a little more cereal than one serving but it was raisin bran so there's nothing wrong with that!

I'm not planning on real exercise today -- my quads are aching from yesterday. But I'm taking the kids to the pool today, so at least I'll be moving around a bit. I just can't get any real exercise there when they can't swim and Cecilia can barely even go in!

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