Sunday, September 18, 2005

I cheated--

--last night. I had eaten sensibly all day. I had my usual breakfast and lunch and we went for a morning walk, but not an evening one because Dick's side was hurting him. For dinner we finished the last of the lasagna, and I had a pretty small piece, brussels sprouts--I like them--and salad. I spent quite a while in the evening reading to Dick, and when I finished I was so dry that I said I wanted a chocolate sundae! Dick was surprised. He was going to suggest he have one, but didn't think I would. But it sounded SO good, and goodness knows our Saturday nights are dull and needed a little brightening, so I had one. It wasn't huge, because Dick made it and he is always more moderate than I am about sweets. I paid for it this morning, though--I was up 1/2 pound to 150.5

I'll try to be good tonight. We have two Mystery broadcasts to watch, so I have to be careful!

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