Wednesday, September 14, 2005

My day...

Today I did pretty good with eating but I did not exercise. That will definitely be on the agenda for tomorrow. I know I will get at least a 12 block walk at work tomorrow because I have to trek between 2 clients at lunch time that are 6 blocks apart.

My routine was pretty usual today: frosted cheerios and milk for breakfast, leftover pork bbq for lunch with grapes, a banana for a snack, ham & swiss sandwich for dinner, 2 diet dr peppers, 2 bottles of water and a bottle of diet snapple. We were supposed to have a yummy, balanced Let's Dish! dinner complete with vegetables, but Harry (our beagle) and I fell asleep and didn't wake up until Joe got home from work which made it to late to stick something in the oven for an hour. I did put a tomato and some lettuce on my sandwich.

So let's see what tomorrow brings! I am already feeling better about my motivation with all these extra eyes helping me keep track and stay focused!!!

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