Monday, September 26, 2005

Monday evening

This morning I only weighed 149 pounds, which thrilled me, since last night I had pot roast, mashed potatoes and gravy, lima beans and salad for dinner. I did go easy on the portions, and although I sat in front of the TV watching three episodes of Mystery last night, I only had one Oreo cookie and a glass of skim milk for bedtime snack.

Since I didn't fall asleep until around one this morning, I didn't get myself out to weed. But I put in a vigorous day. I washed and folded three loads of wash, I dusted and vacuumed a bedroom and cleaned two bathrooms, and I raked up all the walnut leaves that have fallen in the back yard, bagged them, and then joined Dick in fertilizing the lawn. He did two thirds of the front, and I did the rest, front and back. Our spreader was rusted, so we did it by hand. I am gaining all sorts of new skills!

I had my usual breakfast and lunch, with half of a large apple instead of a banana, and for supper I had leftover pot roast, noodles with sparse gravy, mixed veggies and salad. You girls all put me to shame with your more interesting meals!

Off to put a heating pad on my aching back!

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