Monday, November 07, 2005


Sarah - you KNOW the number ultimately doesn't matter - it is the long term effect (affect?). I was - once again - at my lowest after I spent the night before drinking. So - I am convinced that the virtuous days DO show up - just not right away. Tomorrow you will have dropped down to 144.2. I am convinced of it. You should see my daily charts... They are SO up and down they look like they should be part of NASDAC.

We have to ALL applaude ourselves - because even if we have only lost a few pounds so far - it is a few pounds we haven't GAINED! And we have stuck with this for two SOLID months now. This is incredible progress for me anyway. I have NEVER stuck with a diet for more than 7 weeks before - and do not feel like giving up. In fact, we have all said that we are re-grouping this week. Our focus may have drifted a little, but we are still all in this! That is really impressive. YAY US!!

Oh - Has anyone else noticed the absence of Katie in all of this? I don't think she posted her weight last week. That must be she is up again... Yup... Gettin' fat. Too many car bombs I guess. Since she doesn't seem to read the blog we can all feel free to use this as a forum to gossip about her. 'Kay?

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