Thursday, November 10, 2005

Going to bed hungry

I wasn't super hungry last night - but I felt like eating something. BUT - I was good and resisted the urge thinking that I didn't need the calories - and I had been really bad yesterday with my eating. THEN - I woke up at 3 in the morning hungry enough to get up and go downstairs to eat something. The problem with this is at 3 in the morning, I am not inclined to eat "good for you" foods. Nope. I was aware enough to know that I didn't want to eat a Pop Tart (the last time I was up in the middle of the night food). So I at Samoas. Not a reasonable 2 cookie portion of Samoas. I think I ate six.

So - the lesson here is - if you feel hungry at 11pm, you should eat something. 8-)

Water yesterday was good - I think I finished the day at 12 8 oz portions = 96oz - but it may have actually been 16 oz more... but I will go with 12 points.

This morning I woke up with a dry mouth (the cookies didn't help I am sure) and those bed/sheet marks all over my arms which are usually associated with dehydration. I don't get it.

I have had 32 oz so far today (two full bathroom glasses). I have to go to the bathroom now...

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