Monday, November 21, 2005

Make that 5 days for me...

Food today was: yogurt with granola, carrots, banana, vegetarian chili, raisins, wheat creackers, cheese, raisin bran and milk. I'll probably have a thin mint or 2 for a snack later.

Exercise today was: pilates dvd and 15 minutes on the stair stepper.

I think this no excuses approach to exercise is what I needed. It is really beginning to be part of my routine and isn't so much of a chore anymore. I almost enjoy the pilates to the point of seeing how much better my form gets. I can finally do 2 of the moves the whole way through. I still have trouble with the ones at the end where you hold your body up with your arms. Next time I go to the dr I am going to ask about where I broke my arm 10 years ago--when I try those moves it feels so weak halfway between my elbox and my shoulder. It is really weird.

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