Thursday, February 16, 2006

Yesterday wasn't much better

My evening yesterday was all messed up again, after a healthy day. I got a flat tire on the way home from work so that messed up my schedule--getting it changed and the car going again took a half an hour, then I had to go straight to Sam's Club to get a new tire and THAT took an hour and a half. While we were there, Claire and I got pizza for dinner and I had a chocolate chip cookie as well. So really unhealthy, high fat and calorie food. We got home when it was getting close to bedtime and Connor still hadn't had any food, so I had to make him dinner before we could get on with the bedtime routine. So bedtime was late--Claire didn't get her lights off until about 11:00 (she was WAY behind on reading for school so we were trying to catch up last night with a couple of long books). And then on top of all that, I pulled a muscle in my shoulder while trying to change my tire (unsuccessfully, I might add--I couldn't get the damn lug nuts to budge, but while trying to move them, I injured myself). At least I hope it's just a muscle. But it was killing me last night and is still really hurting today, even after three ibuprofens. If I inhale too deeply it hurts. So I ended up not exercising last night either. I *do* have my gym stuff today, so that'll happen at least. And barring another weird evening, my eating today should be better.

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