Friday, February 24, 2006

My week

My weight has been all over the place--I had the low of 133.6, today I hit 135 even, and in between I've been up and down between those two extremes. Weird. But my diet and exercise have been consistent and not too bad, although my exercise is lower than I'd like. I got to the gym on Tuesday and again yesterday, and I have my stuff to go again today. But I haven't been doing pilates at home. I did it once on Monday and managed to re-injure my shoulder that hadn't healed completely from whatever I did to it when not changing my tire last week. It's been killing me ever since then so I don't want to do anything to strain it further. Maybe tonight I'll skip the pilates and find some just lower body toning exercises that don't involve arm movement.

Diet-wise, I'm o.k. I've been getting into the chocolate chip cookies at a rate of about two or three a day (110 to 160 calories) and not eating enough vegetables, but what else is new? We're back to having fruit in the house. I think we have a hard time keeping it now that I'm eating it--I never used to touch fruit very often but now I have at least two pieces a day, so we run out and then it takes us a while to restock. Oranges have been really good this winter! But I haven't been eating everything in sight and I've been keeping portions small--my daily calorie intake this week has been between 1300 and 1400 calories.

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