Saturday, February 18, 2006

Quick (but not easy) weight loss

I haven't been posting because I've been sick for the last two days. On Thursday, Alexander's birthday, I spent half the day making a cake and two dozen cupcakes. By late afternoon my stomach was off but I thought it was because I'd been around sugar all day -- whenever I spend a lot of time making sweets I don't want much to do with them by the time I'm finished! But long before dinner it was clear that I was genuinely ill, and I was sick to my stomach that night -- I did try eating some dinner but that was a mistake. But I wasn't allowed to stay sick, since Daniel came down with it 5 hours later and was in much worse shape than I was, so yesterday I had to function more or less normally -- but I barely ate anything and I certainly didn't have the energy to exercise. Today I'm in much better shape, and my appetite is more or less normal, but I'm still fatigued. Ugh. My weight this moring was 139.5 (138.5 after my shower, wet hair and all) -- so if I just eat sensibly for three more days I can register a new loss for the week, but I really wish I'd done it the normal way.


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