Monday, February 27, 2006

Ash Wednesday

I was thinking about this this weekend--how on earth do you fast for Ash Wednesday and Good Friday when you're already eating only 1200 or 1300 calories a day? I guess the only way to do it is to eat the same amount as I've been doing (I can't very well cut back!) but eat my snacks with my meals instead of between them. Any other ideas?


Amy said...

I was thinking about this last night... I was thinking about fasting for Fridays in Lent again - until I realized that is what I have BEEN doing for the past six months! Only it is everyday instead of Fridays only.

I don't like the idea of eating snacks along with the meals. It clusters our caloried up too much all at the same time. Maybe what we should do is ONLY have fruit or vegetables for our snacks. None of the yogurt, cottage cheese, almonds or crackers (gumdrops and Girl Scout cookies) that we all are so fond of. That way our calories are still spread out - but the snacks aren't really snacky. What do you think?

Sarah said...

Or it occurs to me that we could take the opposite approach and do the TOTAL fast. Remember when we used to do this in high school as a fundraiser? We'd eat nothing but clear liquids for a day (tea, water--soda with calories doesn't count) and our food money for the day would go to charity. Obviously we can't do this every Friday, but for Ash Wednesday and Good Friday it might not hurt us.

Amy said...

I am giving up smoking - again. Isn't that enough suffering. If I can't smoke and I can't eat I will have to take a sleeping pill to make it through the day!

OK - I am game if you are, but I say skim milk and V-8 count as "clear" liquids. Hummmm, fish broth anyone? I guess I could strain some miso soup...

Sarah said...

OK, skim milk and V-8 (although I think that stuff is penance enough for the whole season!) count. Coffee, too, because I'm not going to face a day with no calories that starts with a massive headache. I'll put in skim milk, though, instead of 1%.

This was a lot easier to face in high school. It's also just 24 hours that we have to do it, so it'll be like Ramadan. Whenever we last eat on Tuesday, that's our starting point so we can eat again at that time on Wednesday. And maybe we can make Thursday our official weigh-in day this week!

My plan for Lent is to go to bed hungry each night. Not a lot hungry, but a little. I figure it's a good Lenten reminder AND it'll keep me from gaining weight.

The cruise doesn't count as Lent, though. If you make me do this on the cruise, then I'm giving up smoking too!

Amy said...

Yeah... I see nothing wimpy about an all liquid diet!!! I know it is only two days - but, HEY - liquid diet?

The whole point Sarah and I were making is that we have been DOING the tiny meals and virtually no snacking - since September. I eat less on a daily basis now than I ever did on a fast day in Lent.

Meatless is stupid. I like Sushi WAY better than chicken - or beef even! Bonefish is my favorite restaurant. I think it would be much tougher to make Fridays in lent CHEESELESS.