Monday, February 13, 2006

All Pizza All the time

Friday we had a team meeting and had pizza for lunch. I at TWO HUGE slices (white pizza and bbq chicken pizza). Then when I got home from happy hour I made another mini pizza. Yum! Saturday I started out the day just fine - but then didn't eat lunch before Let's Dish that afternoon and was SO hungry when I got home. I made one of the chicken quesadillas (sp?) - which is like Mexican pizza. I can't remember what else I ate, but I feel like I was bad. I think I ate a package of Pop Tarts at some point. Then Sunday it was mostly the same - breakfast was fine - mini pizza for lunch, Pop Tarts for a snack and then Chicken and Rosemary Dumplings for dinner. No extra veggie. Oh! I did have green beans with the quesadilla on Saturday.

So food was terrible.

I made up for it in exercise. Oh wait - that was the OTHER Amy - the one who is not me. The only exercise I did on Saturday and Sunday was shoveling snow for about an hour. But it was heavy duty shovelling. I did go to the gym on Friday and did my weights. So that was good.

Anyway - my weight on both Saturday and Sunday was 202.6 and today was 202.8. I am back on track with my good foods today and very hungry right now. I'll bet my weight is up tomorrow.

OH! Someone commented today that my weight loss looks really good. 8-)

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