Saturday, February 04, 2006

Slightly obsessed now...

I can't stop researching stuff on the web about being "normal." I am not entirely convinced that I am now that I had read up on the subject, even though 2 days ago I would have confidently told anyone that I was. So today I bought this yogurt that has some other kind of bacteria in it that is supposed to help your digestive system. We'll see. It's the first time I have seen it at the store. I don't think I am brave enough for that coonix stuff. I think I would panic if junk like that came out of me. I can honestly say I would NOT get a plastic spoon and arrange it on the edge of the toilet seat for a photo though...

I posted yesterday I had gained 3 lbs since Tuesday. Well, somehow over night I managed to lose 2 of them somewhere.

Tomorrow is going to be rough because Joe is making all sorts of delcious yet anti-nutritional foods for Super Bowl. I'll have to get up an exercise extra to counter it because I know I won't stay away from it. I'll have to calculate what I cna have and how much, and stick to it. I'll let you know how that goes...

1 comment:

Emily said...

So now you have me reading up on it, too! But I did a google search on it and the first FIVE sites I saw said three times a week to three times a day is normal, and there are perfectly healthy people who are outside that range. So long as stools aren't dry and painful or diarrhea-like, then you are "normal". I wouldn't lose any more sleep over it!