Monday, May 22, 2006

Re-grouping Again

OK - I was horrible all last week - and I want to be better this week. That is my goal - to be better this week than I was last week. Of course, that isn't a very hard challenge for myself.

Yesterday I ate a plate of fat. Sarah and Katie were there to witness - and they did not drag me away from it - so I took that as approval to eat the fat. I do realize that outside of the garlic scented atmosphere that eating that plate of fat was probably NOT the best idea. It was REALLY yummy. Also in my defense, it didn't sound as bad as it turned out to be. It was described as ham and spinach with some kind of cheese wrapped in a thin pasta and baked. I thought spinach and baked, how bad could it be. I ordered the cream sauce because my stomach was already feeling acidy from the two cans and one jar (10 servings total) of mandrin oranges I ate on Saturday. I must have been needing vitamin C because I would have eaten more if we had them. The cream sauce was like melted icecream thick. It was SO YUMMY! The spinach was little tiny flecks and the some kind of cheese was a lot of it! I only ate about a third of it - but since that was at about 4pm I finished the rest off at home around 10pm. Needless to say my weight was up to 209 this morning.

The only exercise I got this weekend was walking around Georgetown with Sarah and Katie - which was not very strenuous.

It was a good weekend.

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