Tuesday, May 09, 2006


I'm really pleased with that weight! My period started last week and I dropped a pound or so in a day, then the rest is actual fat loss I think. I haven't been this low since just before the cruise (when I was 132.4 the day we left).

Yesterday's food ended up higher in calories than I wanted, but I still went to bed slightly hungry. I had cereal for breakfast, almonds for snack, string cheese, pretzels, and an orange for lunch, yogurt and a pear for snack, half a serving of pretzels while making dinner, 2/3 of a serving of ravioli and milk for dinner, watermelon for dessert. And I should have stopped there but I was sooooooo hungry at about 10:00 that I had a tablespoon of chocolate chips and two cookies. Total calories for the day was 1460.

I wish I could just go to bed when I get that late night hunger. I think a lot of times I'm not really hungry, just really really tired and I can't go to bed because I still have too much stuff to do, so I eat to keep my energy going through another couple of hours of stuff. I'm likely to do that at work too when I haven't gotten much sleep--I'll snack on anything in sight so that I don't get too sleepy and unable to focus. I don't know, though--last night my stomach was actually growling. Maybe it was because I worked out longer than is usual for me.

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