Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Boy did I have the munchies last night!!!! I had been pretty good most of the day - and then once I got home from work I totally had the munchies! Actually, it started a little sooner than that. When I went to Mom and Dad's house I snagged a "Breakfast Bites" pack. (Did you know that they didn't have Little Debbies anymore???) Then when I left work I drank my V-8 on the way home. Once I got home Katie said she wasn't hungry yet - so I grabbed TWO string cheeses. Then I was still hungry. I can't remember eating anything else at that point - but I was really munchie - so I made dinner. (Porkchops and spinach.) That didn't help. I proceeded to eat two servings of GS Cookies (only three more boxes and then they will no longer be a threat!), a Special K snack bag, and a hard cider. That was it... But that put me 400 calories past my goal of 1200 calories. Sigh.

My weight was 207.4 this morning. I have an appoint with the trainer at my gym today at 4pm to do my resistance workout again. I am glad of that because I haven't been doing it in a month because I was so bored with it. I have still been doing the treadmill - but not at all this week or half of last week. I have been taking care of Chloe while Mom and Dad are gone - and even if I do the bare minimum there that takes most of my lunch break. I am always too tired (lazy) to go to the gym after work. So I have been particularly bad the past week or two. I have done no formal exercise.

I am at work today - but didn't pack my lunch last night. I just ate a bagel with applesauce for breakfast. I will have to try to find something healthy for lunch...

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