Sunday, May 14, 2006

Crawling out from under a rock

I've been in hiding all week because I've been so bad. I haven't even weighed myself several days, let alone exercised. I haven't even read the blog, and I usually enjoy that! However, on Friday I hosted a party for Daniel's graduating students and their families, so on Thursday and Friday I barely sat down -- though once the party was in full swing I ate a lot (though much of it was fruit and vegetables -- I should keep a fruit and vegetable tray out all the time) and had a glass of wine, a glass of champagne, and a beer.

Today has been terrible so far, health-wise. I haven't exercised, and I've had two waffles, two pieces of bacon, a large glass of milk, a glass of OJ (calcium rich), a KFC original recipe (i.e., very greasy) chicken breast, part of a biscuit, four potato wedges, a small piece of cake, and eight almonds. Everything has been out of synch for the past few weeks. I'm hoping that this week I'll get it back on track, but the further off-track I get, the harder that will be!

I did order myself the Last Resort bra. Everything I read about it said one DOES NOT bounce in it, though whether one can actually breathe in it is up for debate. I'll be eager to try it when it arrives. And maybe the price of it will be enough to guilt me into more frequent exercise.

I hate feeling like such a blob. My weight went all the way back up to 135.5 (and over 136 at night) this week, which is three pounds up from my low point, and that's in a fairly short period of time -- it would be so easy to gain all that weight back. My period started on Friday night (first real one since 21 1/2 months ago) so I've shed about a pound, but I'm dreading weigh-in.

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