Thursday, December 08, 2005

So the bath mat is the culprit...

I go back and forth after a shower--sometimes I weigh more, and sometimes less. I am totally on board though for the wild weight fluctuations. Whoever goes to the doctor first needs to ask about that just to see what the real explanation is for it.

I just wanted to tell everyone I am wearing a skirt today that did not fit right a month ago.

Exercise yesterday: NONE. I am feeling very guilty about that.

Food yesterday: Banana, pears and cottage cheese, chicken noodle soup, muslei, and paella for dinner. I also made some fudge yesterday because I wanted to test the Eagle brand recipe for reduced fat fudge to see if it tasted good, and I have to say, that yes, it does taste very yummy. It is not quite as smooth as the full of fat kind, but that could also be because I got tired of stirring the chocolate chips. I had 2 small pieces of it once it was set. I also drank a ton of water yesterday, which was good. I think I may have been dehydrated.

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