Thursday, December 08, 2005

I'm a big pig

Today I had: one mini-cannoli, one mini-cheesecake, a Lindor truffle, eight or ten (!) fruit gems (those jelly candies--I saved some back from the cookie tray we took into the hospital so I could placate Connor with them, but he didn't like them, so I ate all of them) and most of a small order of McDonald's fries. Plus a nutri-grain bar for breakfast, almonds for snack, and yogurt and pretzles for lunch. Ugh. I swear, I can't control myself. And I'm as bad as the kids about needing to stick to a regular schedule--if I don't eat dinner by 7:00 I inhale everything in sight.

Yesterday I was well-behaved, though. Can't remember what I had for dinner (had my usual breakfast and lunch)--leftover fish maybe? I know I didn't cook. And I did a pilates DVD after the kids were in bed. This morning I was 143.6 without having to shower. :-)

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