Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Caught Up

Well - it seems that the horrible eating and no exercise has caught up with me... Monday's weight was HORRIBLE! Tuesday then I was at 208 in the morning - but 207.6 later in the day - so I think I am going to use that. This morning was 207.6 again - but my period is working on getting started - so hopefully that will help me get back to my 204-205 range - if not lower. I am actually looking forward to the end of the holidays so we can all get back into the good habits we began this fall. I KNEW it was going to be tough going starting this diet when we did. This time of the year is the WORST time to lose weight - for many reasons - not the least of which our bodies DO try to store up fat to keep us through the cold months. And it has been cold lately.

Last night I dreamed about the cruise Sarah and I are going on. I woke up this morning worring about having to put on a bathing suit in two months. UGH! I really have to concentrate on getting myself back to LOSING weight - and not keeping it around for good measure. I figure if I can count myself at 205.4 still and I can lose another 10 pounds before the cruise that won't be TOO bad. Sigh.

Today I ate the rest of a container of the saltine/butter/sugar/chocolate concoctions that Katie brings home from school by the case load. Why can't they be really gross and just end up in the trash. Of if not that, why can't they be really good for you? I also at a bunch of hummus that I made for our work lucheon yesterday - along with whole wheat pita pieces. That was pretty good and not TOO bad as foods go. Now I am off to eat the Harry and David pear I got from work yesterday.

Too bad it is too late to add to my Christmas list. A really nice - but expensive - gift for Katie and me would be the fruit of the month club thing-y from Harry and David. We have been good at eating fruit - and it would be cool to have new, fresh, and interetsing fruits arrive at our door each month.

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