Tuesday, December 20, 2005


I'm o.k. with that. It's not great, but considering how bad I've been about exercising and how NOT careful I've been with eating, it could be much worse, and it's well down from my last official weight (I'm not counting last week as an official weight).

I was much better about eating yesterday--cereal for breakfast, almonds and string cheese for snack, yogurt and pretzles for lunch, a pear and a clementine for afternoon snack, and then I went home. That's when it goes downhill. I'm SUCH a stress eater that it isn't funny. I got home and discovered that my health insurance hasn't been figured correctly--instead of a $200 deductible and 90% coverage on most things, they are processing my plan with a $250 deductible, no coverage for routine care, and 75% covered for other procedures. Ugh! So instead of eating half of a pot pie as planned, I ate a whole one, then snacked on fake M&Ms and a piece of pumpkin chocolate chip cake, mostly because I'm so angry about the messed up health insurance and there was nothing I could do about it at the time.

I did get to the gym yesterday. I did 35 minutes on the treadmill, then for the heck of it did 10 minutes on an elliptical machine. I'd never been on one before and wanted to try it out. It felt weird--like I was moving backwards--but I could feel my thigh muscles burning. It didn't get me as winded as I'd be after 10 minutes on the treadmill (of course I kept the intensity level down since I wasn't sure what to expect), but the variety was nice and so was burning an extra 100 calories!

Today is a holiday lunch with coworkers, so I'm skipping morning and afternoon snacks. I don't yet know where we're going to eat, so I don't know how fattening this will be! But a few more sessions at the gym like I had yesterday, and it shouldn't be a problem!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Oh, Sarah, I'm a stress eater, too, and it sure sounds like you had cause! I hope you get the mess straightened out soon. And your weight is great -- remember not long ago you were just trying to break 150. I've tried the elliptical machine once and I felt so completely awkward that I haven't gone back to it, but I agree that variety is nice. Good luck at the parties today!