Thursday, February 22, 2007


I had two coupons for free Coldstone Icecream. One was for my birthday and the other was for a survey I did for them. They were expiring at the end of this month, so Kristy and I went for Ice Cream instead of a healthy lunch. I feel sick.

I heard a great interview with Fuchia Dunlop (what a BRITISH name! - No Sierras, or Braxtons for the Brits - but Fuchia! That sounds straight from a Shopaholic novel!!) on NPR on Tuesday. She has just written a new cookbook. Her specialty is Chinese food. The Land of Plenty was her Szchewan (sp?) book - but this was Hunan cooking - called Revolutionary Chinese Cooking (or something like that. It sounded SO GOOD! I am tempted to buy it just to read it!!! The pictures are supposed to be pretty too.

Ummmm. I think there was something else I wanted to say, but I can't remember what it was...

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