Monday, February 05, 2007

I win.

I went to the gym today. About a minute after I got on the treadmill, the fire alarms in the building went off, so we all filed out the nearest exit, which didn't go anywhere near the locker room with my coat in it! It took about three seconds of standing in the cold before we realized that a) this wasn't a drill or else they would have planned it better and b) since we all came there to exercise and we were currently freezing our butts off, the best thing to do was to continue exercising. So I ran around the parking lot for the next ten minutes wearing nothing but my t-shirt and running pants. By then I was completely miserable, my lungs hurting from the cold air and beginning to go numb where the wind was hitting me, so under the pretense of going to help evacuate the women who were in the pool (it's a class of mostly older women with various health problems, I think mostly heart disease and diabetes--they NEVER would do a fire drill with that class going on, especially with wind chills of -1) I went back in and got my coat and bag. And helped a few people pack up their stuff. And then I went back outside and walked for the next 20 minutes. When I got back to the gym the emergency was over (something in the mechanical room for the pool set off the alarm) and I didn't feel like I had exercised much, so I got on the bicycle for 15 minutes (the treadmills were all taken) before going back to work. I have no idea how much exercise I actually got or how many calories I burned, but I think I deserve all kinds of brownie points (or iTunes points!) for not giving up and going back to the office as soon as the alarms went off!


Amy said...

Yup. You win. Double points for you - as long as you don't snack tonight!

Emily said...

Wow, amazing! Definitely worth double points!