Monday, February 19, 2007

Don't ask me what I ate

This weekend was awful--I don't think I sat down to a normal meal once! I picked at food all day both days--the most substantial thing I had was cheese and pretzles both days for "lunch"--and ate all kinds of junk, but fortunately never much of it. Doughnuts, candy, potato chips, etc. I did eat dinner (a Subway turkey sub) on Saturday, but nothing for dinner on Sunday, although I had two english muffin pizzas in the late afternoon at Claire's super-late birthday party.

I also didn't exercise all weekend. Not even a walk with the dog. OTOH, I only got 45 minutes of sleep on Friday night (thanks to Connor) and was busy all day both days cleaning and shopping and running the party, so I didn't do the couch potato thing.

This morning my weight was 135.4, so at least that's down a bit from last week. I hope that holds out (or gets better) for tomorrow!

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