Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Tuesday update

I've experienced the pogo stick--all last fall actually. Only when I started getting serious about exercise have my numbers been falling. And they would probably reduce more dramatically if I was better about what I eat all 7 days of the week instead of just 5. I do so well during the work week but eat whatever I want on the weekends. I need to work harder at curbing that carelessness on Friday night, Saturday and Sunday.

I say that the weekends are my bad times, but I was over indulgent yesterday. Breakfast was oatmeal, snack was a banana and string cheese, some raisins, a roast beef sandwich and an almond croissant for lunch, and tomato basil pasta for dinner with ice cream (at least it was the light kind) for dessert. So two treats yesterday. I think that almond croissant was probably half of my daily calorie allowance. But darn it was tasty! I haven't bought one in probably 10 or 11 months.

I spent 50 minutes on the treadmill yesterday for about 400 calories, so I partially negated the effects of the croissant. Katie, I struggled with justifying the cost of the gym too, which is why Joe & I just decided to upgrade our treadmill at home. It was much more cost effective in the end, and I don't have to leave home to use it.

So where are our cruisers today? I keep meaning to look at the itinerary online and never do.

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