Friday, March 30, 2007

Me, too, update

Not that there's much to say. I'm just trying to make myself post to keep thinking about the diet and exercise. Last night I almost wimped out on exercise, but I'd said "I will do it," so I would have felt idiotic if I didn't. So I watched an episode of Angel and jogged and walked in place for 20 minutes. I didn't feel like I was going fast enough but in the end I was dripping with sweat so I think I must have been working harder than the WATP videos do! I watched the (first?) episode with the Scourge (an army of marching demons), which turned out to be perfect, because there was a lot of marching to keep pace with as I jogged, and it kept speeding up on me!

I made a concerted effort to go to bed hungry last night. After exercising I didn't want to eat or drink right away, but I was hungry before the video ended and I did NOT let myself get a snack. The stuff I eat at night is just junk.

Today I have a gym appointment at 5:30. So I'll get a good, solid workout today.

I was 141.5 this morning. Again. I'm starting to think my scale is stuck!

1 comment:

Amy said...

What else happened in that episode Emily? What was the name of the episode? The only one that I can think of that had the Scourge in it was Hero - and that was a pretty big deal. One that makes you cry... How about "I will Remember You?" Did you see that one yet?