Thursday, March 22, 2007

Why do I bother?

Yesterday I totally missed exercise. We had school all morning and into the afternoon, then piano, then we had to go to the mall (eek!) to get Xander's glasses repaired and his hair cut, then when we got home it was time for me to get dressed for church (I was cantoring a Lenten thing), and then I got home in time for dinner and putting the kids to bed. Then I talked to Mom and then folded laundry until after 11:30. So I genuinely don't know where exercise would have fit in. Maybe I should have done crunches while I talked to Mom or something!

Then this morning I was at 142.0. This makes no sense -- except that I was so busy in the evening that I went to bed with an empty stomach. But not two pounds of empty stomach. So that's my reward for keeping busy but not exercising. Hmph.

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