Friday, March 09, 2007

Dirty socks

Washed the bras, forgot about the socks. Oops. Didn't have any clean running socks this morning (and before you make fun of me, please remember that when I started running I had the worst problems with blisters but as soon as I switched to good socks designed for exercise, the blisters went away) so I did the guy thing and pulled a pair out of the laundry. At least I sprayed them with Febreeze, though! I'm also out of shirts--only had a long sleeved one this morning so I'll be *really* sweaty after the gym today. Oh, and Connor woke up at 3:30 this morning so I wasn't able to get a shower this morning. Basically, you don't want to be downwind from me today!

I got an email saying that my post yesterday was filtered by Katie's work spam blocker. I guess you can't say "two jogbras" in a title without it coming across as risque to a Catholic school.

My weight was back up a bit today--132.6. Hardly earth shattering, but it would have been nice for the downward trend to continue!

1 comment:

Amy said...

I sent two emails to Katie yesterday that said NOTHING about jog bras and they were both stopped. They were directions to Ocean City (where we are right now - Katie is in the jacuzzi, I am doing laundry...). So - I don't know WHAT is up with her spam blocker. But, in case you were worried, she is getting her Viagra and stock emails JUST FINE.