Thursday, March 08, 2007

Gang aft agley

Though we finally had gym reservations yesterday -- the first time in aeons -- we had to cancel because Alexander had a virus. He had a fever on Tuesday and was throwing up during the night after that, and they don't let kids into the gym within 24 hours of illness. He was acting normal most of yesterday and he even went to his piano lesson (he requested it and his teacher approved -- she said there's no possible way he could be carrying anything to which she hadn't been exposed already), but the gym was out. But I didn't let the day be a total waste; I did do the 15 minute Muscle Mile One, where you walk in place with weights. Better than nothing, I suppose.

We have reservations for next Monday and Wednesday, neither at our preferred time. We have to call the MOMENT they open, apparently, because yesterday I called within 30 minutes and it was too late to get the time I wanted.

Today it will probably be another video -- though I may go for a walk outside if it's nice enough. Yesterday was gorgeous but there wasn't a good opportunity to go out during daylight hours due to school, lessons, naps, and cookie delivery. Today there's a chance during Girl Scouts. I am such a suburban Mom!

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