Monday, October 23, 2006


I was tempted to threaten to not post anymore until everyone else (Sarah not included) put at least ONE post up... but they I realized that you all would just stop reading the blog altogether and that would defeat the purpose of the blog.

Other threat - I told Sarah on Sunday (as we were indulging in our Renn Fest yummies) that I am terrified that the endocrinologist will tell me that I have a high intolerance of sugar and that I will have to get it ALL out of my life. I would die. Sarah said - yeah, and then I would bully the rest of YOU ALL into giving up sugar too. Hey! If I can do it SO CAN YOU! We are in this together, right??? You too should live in fear! What will I do without my sugared coffees? Is this the type of thing that if I have an occational Coldstone icecream I will go into sugar shock for the rest of my life? AHHHHH! See - I am in such fear of this that I am borrowing trouble a week before the appointment is supposed to happen.

I was a slug all day on Saturday. Sunday I would have been a slug too - but for the indulgent trip to the Renn Fest - which turned out to be a lot of fun. I walked for 43 minutes each day - and on Sunday I actually RAN - for 33 seconds. 8-) I was always afraid to run on the treadmill at the gym for fear of looking like an absolute idiot. I don't mind so much in the privacy of my own home. Maybe tonight I will run for TWO 33 second sessions. ;-) I really like the whole exercising at will thing. I enjoy it first thing in the morning - because I start the day will a calorie deficit. Kind of neat. It also sets the tone for food (at least for a little bit).

Food has been iffy. I actually can't remember mostly what I ate this weekend. I made whole wheat waffles for breakfast on Saturday - and then ate the leftovers for lunch that day (not a good thing - but very yummy). Dinner that night was a PB & P sandwich. Sunday - I had a swiss cheese omlet and whole wheat toast for breakfast. Lunch was Renn Fest food (I had a steak on a stake, TWO Fi-fi's and some sugared nuts. Oh - and the obligitory Cheesecake on a stick.) That was dinner too. I don't think I ate anything else on Sunday.

Today I ate my sandwich for breakfast at 8am (Ham and Swiss on whole grain - it seemed more appealing than my cereal this morning). I ate my cereal for lunch - and am now thinking about heating up the acorn squash I brought with me.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Hey! I posted just a couple of days ago. I'm still around -- I'm just out of town so I don't have as much computer access as usual, and I don't have time for a real post now. But you haven't been abandoned by me!