Friday, October 06, 2006

I expected a weight correction this morning

But instead my weight was down again, to 131.8. This can't last, and I'll be so disappointed when it goes back up (probably just in time for weigh-in day next week!), even knowing that the reading is probably inaccurate.

Yesterday--boring. Pilates in the evening, so as long as I get to the gym today I've met my goal for exercise for the week. Breakfast and lunch were the same as always, but while shopping during my lunch break, I indulged in a Chocolixir at Godiava. Has anyone heard of these? I don't even know what's in it. It's a frozen blended chocolate drink. I got "dark chocolate decadence" and when they asked me if I wanted whipped cream on it, of course I said yes. I tried looking up the nutritional information later but couldn't find anything. Lots of calories, I know that. But isn't dark chocolate full of antioxidants and stuff? So it's good for me? Maybe? Anyway, that kept me full all afternoon. I ate some raisins late in the afternoon, then dinner was half a broiled chicken breast, noodles, and zucchini. And I don't think I ate anything after that. How amazing is that?

I hope you feel better soon, Emily!

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