Thursday, October 05, 2006

And Another Thing

My weight was 210.6 ACK today. I officially quit smoking yesterday, so I will blame my snacking and weight gain on that. Actually, I had two and a half cigarettes on Tuesday - which is about half what I normally smoke, so I half stopped on Tuesday. I don't know what my issues are? If I smoke seven cigarettes a day - that is a big day for me. Normal for me is five. Why is it so hard to give those five up? One in the morning, one at work, one on the way home, one after dinner and one before bed. Yup - five. I sometimes will have a second at work - or another in the evening - but five is typical. On the days I don't go anywhere, I often won't smoke at all until late afternoon. I don't FEEL like I need them, but I hate the whole not being allowed to have one when I think of it. I don't LIKE to smoke - OK, well, yeah I do sort of... I don't like the taste, I don't like the ash on me, I don't like the smell. I DO like the burning thing, and the relaxing affect, but I don't know if that is the whole taking a break and breathing deeply or the drug that I am breathing in. I don't tend to get crabby when I quit - unless I am also PMS-y.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Good luck with the quitting! Make lots and lots of glass beads to help with the burning thing.