Saturday, December 22, 2007

On the eleventh day of fitness, the exercise for me...

was a Buns of Steel video that I've had for at least a decade.  I was going to do Jane Fonda but I couldn't find it (it turned up while I was doing the toning section of the other video -- it was just on the wrong shelf, at eye level for crunches).  The aerobics section, 28 minutes, wasn't at all difficult, but I did work up a sweat and I got my heart moving a bit, so it's something.  The toning was easier than I remembered -- there were a bunch of crunches which turned out to be quite easy after all those I've been doing, and there were some leg/butt exercises that felt good but didn't wear me out.  I got dressed into my exercise clothes first thing in the morning because I knew once I got going on the day I wouldn't want to stop to work out, so I did the exercise right after breakfast.  Alas, unlike Amy, I did not see negative calories -- it wasn't a caloric enough workout!  Gardening burns more than aerobics and crunches!

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