Thursday, September 06, 2007

Welcome Back!!

I have missed everyone for the past couple of weeks! I really did feel like I was talking to myself.

OK - SS Disaster - Here is what I think. We have all made progress! Like Julie says, we aren't dibilitated by our weight - or at least not completely. Personally, I would be SO HAPPY to weigh either 140.4 OR 167, but even at my much higher rate I still feel predominately like a healthy person. I am aware of what are good food choices are and bad ones - and since I am aware, what FEELS like a lot of bad food choices in reality are pretty good choices. I mean, seriously, when was the last time ANY of us ate at a fast food place because we choose too (not counting travel food - that isn't exactly a choice...)? And soda. How many of you drink regular soda? How often. There ARE people out there that drink 64 oz of regular soda daily. AND choose to eat at fast food places because they LIKE it!!! Ugh! How lucky for them though that if they ever decided to change their habits they have those two (comparatively) easy changes to make.

Speaking of changes. I met with the nutritionist again yesterday. I really like her. I told her about my gluten and wheat reactions. She wanted to know what my response to my reaction would be. Honestly, I don't know. I think I will make an effort to not eat wheat and gluten if I can - but I also know that I have a bunch of Let's Dish foods that have wheat in them. She said she would like to see how I respond to being gluten free for a month at least. She said that if there has be a prolonged irritant (i.e. 40 years) it takes time to fully recover from it. I, however, have already strayed from that. I had a quesadilla last night that was made with a whole wheat tortilla.

We then talked a little bit about eating intuitively. She asked me what the first thing I would go out and eat if I were told that I could eat absolutely anything. I said Coldstone Icecream - but what I am really craving, then and now, is a big, pecan encrusted sticky bun. My intuitive eating would NOT involve vegetables - and probably not a lot of fruit either. I like starchy stuff. She also told me that I need to pay more attention to what my body is saying... Not just what it wants to eat, but when. So, for the next month I have to keep a hunger and fullness log. This has been interesting today because Katie and I ate breakfast before we left for work and I have been feeling hungry today because of that. OR - I have been paying attention to feeling hungry and make myself eat in response. I think I am going to start scheduling time off each day to eat.

Finally, she said that she thinks I have to build up my liver and/or gall bladder. We will address that in our next meeting - but for right now she wants me to take the Rheum daily rather than just as needed. I took it this morning - it was VILE!

1 comment:

Emily said...

We have made progress, because I do still think about my food -- even while I'm eating junk -- and I don't have too many major gaps in exercise. But I'm also no longer making forward progress of any sort. Today at the gym it had been two weeks since the previous trip -- actually more than -- and I had to crank all the levels back down to nothing again. I'll get it back up, and then I'll have to be away, and it will be terrible again. It's depressing! So, yes, progress, but not LATELY. Sigh.