Friday, March 05, 2010

You've got to move it, move it.

I, that would be. I've got to move it move it! I need to start running or something. Katie and I have had no power since 2:30am Thursday morning. When it hadn't come back on as of 9pm last night (and the house was getting COLD!!!) I decided I would spend the night with Mom and Dad. I discovered last night that the mirror in Mom's bathroom is WAY less flattering than the mirror in my bathroom. Mostly because I could see MORE of me naked when I went to take a bath.

UGH! I am FAT!! I mean, this isn't a surprise to me - but it was WAY more unpleasant seeing it last night. I need to lose a 100 pounds. I don't know how to do that. The best I have EVER managed to do is lose about 12 pounds - but then I always gain it back with friends. Is sleep really the key? Before, water was supposed to be the key. All the books and articles on weight loss said so. I drink a lot of water. It didn't seem to help me. Maybe that is what I need to do for the rest of Lent. For the rest of Lent I HAVE to go to bed by 10:30pm. Have to. Friday and Saturday night I can stay up until midnight, but for all school nights I HAVE TO go to bed by 10:30pm. That would allow for me to get 8 hours of sleep each night (assuming I pass out as soon as I go to bed... Well, at least I will be IN BED for 8 hours). I wonder if that would actually make a difference? Regardless, it would help to set me up for good habits if the CPAP machine thingy does help me get better quality sleep.

I wish I hadn't taken that trip to Reno. It was fun - but it was expensive. And it would have been more fun to do something MORE FUN (like the folk school, or maybe a cruise or something). I am saying this because I have a hole in my dining room ceiling and I think I have to get a plumber to fix whatever is leaking in the bathroom, a tile guy to TILE the bathroom and then someone to come in and fix the ceiling and paint it. I don't know who to get to do these things. I am feeling like if they are going to be tearing up the rest of my house in the next month or so, I should just get THAT project done too. Does anyone know of a good general contractor?


Sarah said...

I'd get that bathroom done quickly--Brian was talking to his brother/SIL last night and they are apparently spending a small fortune having to redo a bathroom because of a slow toilet leak they didn't catch in time! Pretty much everything has to be replaced.

Julie S said...

I can dig up the info from the people that helped us get Peter's house on Lavender Ave in Parkville in shape last fall. The prices didn't make me want to die, and all the work was for a house I HATED and couldn't have cared less about, so I think you'll most likely be ok with who we used. We had a general contractor, a plumber and an electrician. And I have the email address for the painters I used last summer and plan on using again as soon as I pick out a color. Does anyone want to stop by and tell me what color to paint my living room now that we have this new furniture? It totally doesn't match the yellow. Help.

And I tried to post 3 different times yesterday, and blogger wouldn't do anything. It was very sad. However, you were all spared the boringness of my post. Maybe it was a sign :-)

I'm going to be in NYC this weekend visiting Peter's dad who is in from Belfast, so I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend.

Amy--did the Death Trap book come yet? Once you read it, I'll share with you some other stuff Amy Mantay has dug up regarding The Evil One that I am sure you will enjoy reading.