Monday, March 22, 2010

Chronic Allergies?

Wow! What is up with all of this sickness???? I seem to be getting my sicknesses in much smaller doses than the rest of you - however, they do seem to be lingering. I still have this darn chronic queasiness. I have NO idea what is causing it - but it makes all food seem unappealing. So I have been eating like crap - which is to say, not much at all, and not the right things. I have been craving the "soft" proteins - like eggs and beans. I went to make beans and rice on Saturday night, but had none - so I ate nothing for dinner. I had already had eggs for lunch that day so didn't want to repeat them for dinner, and NOTHING else seemed appealing. However, the weirdest thing I have been experiencing is that everytime I eat anything (nuts, marshmallows, fruit, bread, cheese, anything!) I get that weird sensation that happens when you have eaten a food that you are mildly allergic to. You know - that rawness in your mouth and a sore throat that makes it hard to swallow. Eggs seem to be the only thing not affecting me that way.

I also have had this weird buzzing sensation - like caffeine jitters - for a while now. I thought it was because of the sleep study last weekend. I thought it was just that I didn't get a good night sleep that night, but it is still going on. Maybe it is because I have been pretty good about going to bed at 10:30-ish. Maybe that really is messing up my sleep cycles and so it is not helping, but actually hurting. Instead of getting more sleep I am now waking up mid sleep cycle and so WOULD be better rested if I would only sleep to the end of my cycle... but I don't know how long that is. Maybe I should try to go to bed by 10pm instead of 10:30 and see if that helps. The only problem with THAT plan is that I am barely making it to bed by 10:30!! Sigh.

Sarah's bad exercise week because of sickness would be a really GOOD week by my standards! I did get in two walks in addition to my normal yoga last week - so that IS progress, pathetic as it is. I have no memory of what I did on Saturday. I don't think it was much - and it didn't involve exercise. Katie and I talked about going out to one of the state parks for hiking or canoing - but it was a hypothetical conversation like "Wow! wouldn't today be a beautiful day to go out to one of the state parks for hiking or canoeing..." Sunday was the Handspun Yarn Party down at Savage Mills. We went early so we could be one of the first in (we were the first in) but that involved just standing in (the front of the) line knitting for two hours and then shopping like mad for another hour. There was a small gap of time between getting home and leaving for church, but I spent it photographing my yarn stash to post on Ravelry.

The obese woman who wants to weight 1000 pounds offends my sensibilties. One of the interviews I saw with her had her saying "It was such a struggle for me to be thin (or lose weight) that it must not be natural. So I stopped fighting it." Yeah... Right. It is hard to lose weight, I know that as well as ANY fat person who can't lose weight. But the idea of not fighting AT ALL, and in fact becoming a camp follower to the other army instead, is an affront to those of us who ARE fat and DON'T want to be. I know if I went on The Biggest Loser I probably WOULD lose weight. If I pushed myself a LOT harder than I actually do I am SURE I would lose weight. I know that I don't shed pounds as easily as many - and I know that the heavier I get the harder it gets - but I would NEVER consume 12000 calories a day ON PURPOSE! My favorite part was when she said that her grandmother who weighed 120 pounds was diabetic, and her brother who weighs 200 pounds is diabetic so if she becomes diabetic would it be because she is fat or because it runs in her family. Does she not realize that being diabetic would be the LEAST of her problems. She needs to worry about blood clots and heart attacks. I did like the one doctor who said that "I don't think she really knows what 1000 pounds feels like." She seems really well adjusted emotionally, but she doesn't seem to have a good grip on reality!


Julie S said...

Progress, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem, is still progress!!! Yay to you for two walks! Do it again this week!

Sarah said...

Two walks last week is two more than you did the week before! Keep it up!

I don't get the idea that things that are natural are automatically easy. I've known lots of people who gave up breastfeeding because it was difficult (as it is at first) and they say "but I thought it was supposed to be natural!" It seems to me that UNnatural is what is easy. Fighting off a bacterial infection using only your own immune system is natural, but is really hard and has a pretty good chance of killing you. Antibiotics are not natural, but boy are they easy! Foraging for food in the woods is about as natural as it gets, but really isn't easy. Pop tarts and ramen noodles and cheez-whiz are easy.