Thursday, March 18, 2010

Like a true Irishman

Well, I guess I did celebrate like a true Irishman - I went to church and had nothing green to drink...

It was kind of funny - I was dressing for the day, I put on a pink shirt, yoga pants and picked out my shamrock socks to wear and thought "who cares if these don't match my pink shirt..." Then I realized I was wearing PINK instead of green. So I changed.

Wednesday is my maintenance day. Have I said this before? I think it is funny. My day is always jam packed. I start with church, go straight to yoga from there, come home for a quick lunch and then usually go to acupuncture, the dentist, the eye doctor, or chiropractor. Recently I have had a string of X-rays, MRIs, Sonograms, etc. Everyone talks about my "day off" but really it is about an hour off extra in the morning... 8-) I like it though.

Yesterday I had a really good acupuncture appointment. I have had this chronic queasy feeling for a while now. I am not sure what it was that she did yesterday, but I felt the needles the whole time (usually you feel when she places them, but not for long afterwards). Then when she came in to take them out she said that they weren't releasing so she would leave them a little longer. She had placed four needles on my belly, and I was having an issue relaxing since I was feeling queasy still. BUT she also had two in the bottom of my feet so I was mildly worried that if I DID need to leap up and make a dash for the bathroom that I would hurt myself on those foot needles (which BTW REALLY hurt going in!). However, by the end of the treatment the queasiness had totally gone away - and hasn't come back yet. YAY!

I was supposed to have EM training at church last night. I called the parish office to confirm the date and time (since I couldn't find my letter). They told me that it was at 7pm. So I dutifully showed up at about 6:45 - JUST IN TIME for the Q&A wrap up. I was so embarrassed! However, I wasn't the only one. About five other people came in after me. I wish I had apologized to Father last night because I totally COULD have been there at 6pm had I been given the correct info. Sigh.

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