Sunday, March 14, 2010

Weekend Wrap-up

Nothing much to wrap up actually. I had my sleep study last night. It was horrible! That is pretty much it. I feel like I lost the whole weekend because of it.

I didn't exercise. I ate - not very much - but poorly. The only real food I had was last night - left over veggie stir fry.

I should get the results of this current study in a week or two. I don't know what the results will show, but I can tell you the CPAP machine is not for me. I felt like I was being smothered. I also didn't sleep very deeply - and I woke up with bloodshot eyes. I never have bloodshot eyes. I kept dreaming that the study was over, so every time I did wake up I was disappointed that I was still there and still had hours to go. Ugh! Again I say, hope that you will NEVER have to have a sleep study done. OH! and the machine made it impossible to roll over - so I was all stiff and sore this morning. Seriously, how can people sleep with them?

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