Sunday, March 07, 2010

The secret to weight loss...

... is apparently eating a dinner composed mostly of cheese-based appetizers and following it up with three desserts. And exercising not at all. My weight was down two pounds this morning despite having my worst food/exercise day since we got back from the trip. It seems so unfair that on days when I treat my body by the book I don't see any progress, then when I've been horrid I suddenly have some water loss and it jumps down. This is a major reason why people have such a hard time losing weight, I think; if the connection between good behavior and good results was obvious, and bad behavior and bad results as well, we'd all have an easier time being good.

OTOH, I have no reason to complain -- I did see a "new" (by which I mean "new recently", not "new entirely" low), which means the hard work of the other days is paying off a little. I just wish I were more excited about the whole process.

1 comment:

Amy said...

You are right! I never see a loss when I have been good - or a gain when I have been bad. It is impossible to connect what you eat to how much you weigh.