Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Still 149.8

No change from last week, which is a bit frustrating, but I'm happy to hold steady rather than gain. Last week I ended up with three cardio sessions (total time of two hours--last summer I was doing seven hours per week!) and five strengthening/stretching session (including pilates), each about 30 minutes long. I think if the world was fair, we'd all lose a pound every time we exercised for an hour. Shouldn't that be how it works?

And in other news, apparently you catch the stupid mouse on the first night, then the next night the other mice know to avoid the trap. I heard a mouse in our kitchen last night, but there were no new visitors to the trap this morning. I have four more of these traps coming from Amazon today, so I'm going to put them everywhere. I like it that they don't use anything you wouldn't want your kids or pets around so I can put them all over without worrying that Davey's going to get poisoned or Connor is going to get his fingers smashed.


Julie S said...

This reminds me of when we had mice at our apartment. We couldn't figure out what the friggers were eating...then we discovered the hole in Harry's diet dog food. Apparently we had mice that were watching their figures. Once we put the dog food into a plastic bin, the mice moved to someone else's house.

Amy said...

YES! I would even be OK if you lost weight at different levels depending on the effort you put into the exercise... Half pound for half hearted effort, pound for full effort. I also think it should be prorated if you exercise for over an hour - so my 90 minute yoga class would give me a one and a half pound loss.

Sarah said...

Brian put dog food in the mouse trap last night and I took it out--I didn't want the mice developing a taste for that because then I'd have them running across the kitchen to get at the dog food bowl! So far, they don't seem to have discovered it. And these are mice with a sweet tooth--I had to throw out a bag of mini marshmallows and a bag of Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal that they chewed holes in.

Emily said...

I agree with your exercise rate plan! So unfair the way it works now. Yesterday, in just under 45 minutes, I burned about 450 calories (the elliptical is great) -- so that's more like a pathetic 1/8 of a pound instead of a whole pound. If I exercised like that daily for a WEEK it still wouldn't be a pound. Sigh...