Monday, June 26, 2006


I gotta reset mine. You know - it is funny how predictable my weight is in relation to my period. Two days after my period starts, my weight jumps. Saturday I was holding steady at 208.4 today I jumped up to 210.4. So far just two pounds - usually it is four - so I may get the other two tomorrow. Depressing...

I have to reset my bio-rhythems. I have been going to the gym on my lunch break - which I usually take between 2 and 3 pm. However, I am NEVER motivated to go at that time. BUT - every day around 11am I think - today I am definitely going to the gym. I am in a gym mood. So - my new plan is to start going to the gym BEFORE lunch.

I ate a pint of ice cream this weekend. I don't normally want icecream - and when I get it I usually eat the recommended serving size and stop there. And am fine with that. This weekend I bought Phish Food (my favorite B&J ice cream) and - over the course of about four hours - ate the whole darn thing. That was Sunday. On Saturday Sarah and I went to the Scrapbook Convention where we ate a big bag of sugared almonds between the two of us. Yum!!

I also ate a banana.

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